Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Super Fan Update...

Dear Kele,

I have bookmarked your Blog
(you have a daily, if not hourly, visitor)
I have fanned you on Facebook...
I even follow you on Twitter
(even though I don't ever log on to use it)

If I didnt do any of these stalker musts...
I would of never known that the premier of your new single
would grace the BBC produced airwaves today...

Again, heart explosion.

Yes, a dance beat we have probably heard 1k trillion times over...
BUT your voice would make looping samples of
nails on a chalkboard bearable...

Definitely a guilty pleasure I am not afraid to admit...
Because SUPERFans never stray...

You just made it harder to wait....


Your Spoggin' Stalkeroni

.Click this.

1 comment:

  1. When I'm with you,
    I am calm, a pearl in your oyster,
    head on my chest, a silent smile,
    a private kind of happiness.
